DISEQUILIBRIUMS, as a transmedia storytelling Project, developed by Fundación ECUUP – Educational and Cultural Projects, is based on the trilogy (as...
“20 boxes” A tragicomedy, thirty years in reconstruction
The Project is the sum of various factors: CREATIVITY, TALENT AND USE OF MEDIA WITHIN REACH. With the QR code, the reader can listen to the music...
If only it were possible to love
A radio drama by Aragón Radio, in collaboration with Teruel Council, the Fundación Amantes and Diario de Teruel Aragon Radio has come up with a new...
Plot 28. Transmedia novel
At the Zaragoza Water Expo of 2008, it was not all glitter as predicted by the anguished mass media. The ‘Infanzones’, led by intrepid father Javier...
Las hipnopómpicas: Territorio Poppins
Clearly, you know it at once: you are not faced with any ordinary book. Before you start reading, you should know that you are about to embark on a...
100 Crises of a First-time Dad
'100 crisis de un papá primerizo' is a story written in the first person narrative, recounting all the experiences that the author had since he and...